With an 88 % increase in cybercrime attacks recorded in Liechtenstein between 2019 (33 cases) and 2020 (62 cases) and 172 % between 2020 and 2021 (169 cases), the field of Internet or cybercrime has been the fastest growing offense area in this country for years.
In a comprehensive treatise, Dr. Christian Geisselmann, LL.M. deals with this topic from the perspective of Liechtenstein criminal law in the current issue of the Liechtensteinische Juristen-Zeitung (LJZ 03/2022, 127-137). In addition to the evaluation of current crime statistics from FL and AT, the focus of the article is on the manifold modi operandi of cybercriminals and their classification under criminal law. Furthermore, there is an in-depth discussion of the international legal requirements of the Convention on Cybercrime and their concrete implementation in Liechtenstein at the institutional (cf creation of the Digital Crime Commissariat at the Liechtenstein National Police) and substantive levels. An outlook on current developments and a critical appeal to the legislator round off the paper.